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Josseline Engeler


Born in 1982  in Kiel (DE)

lives and works since as a freelance artist in Linz (AT) and Porto (PT). She is founding member of "Blubb Studios", an atelier-collective in Wiener Straße 29.

Blubb Studios are always happy about visitors! Feel free to come along! We have working spaces, a beautiful garden, loads of art and facilities.....

2012  Master of Arts /Kunstuniversität Linz (AT)

2009  Diplom"Freie Bildende Kunst"/ Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel (DE)

2006-2007  Studium „Freie Bildende Kunst“/ Faculdade de Belas Artes do Porto (PT)




affenzirkus (Sound & Video;12 min. Loop)

People disguised as animals are describing everything they find ugly about their own human bodies. The work is located in the small gap between tragedy and comedy.